A second variation in block style script

An other block styled abecedarium is printed in the book "Indian Scripts in India" by Lokesh Chandra, New Delhi 1982, page 60 as a last position of Bon-po scripts.

This script is similarly to the block styled letters, due to the fact that the vowel and the "shad " are placed below the preceeding consonant and do not use punctuations marks.

This signs are a decorative script for the "bon mang " in the Bon temples "gsas khang "

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To specify the alphabet:

Click the picture and enlarge

If you will write with this alphabet click :
I named the ttf.file "Garuda1"

Download and install

Enclosed find the keyboard mapping für the "Garuda1"


To differentiate between the two block style script I have made a comparison.

Click the picture and enlarge

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